Back In The Game is an 8-part comedy/drama web series about a shy and socially awkward guy named Andy. After a ten year relationship with his high school sweetheart followed by a one year "drought", Andy, with the help is his two best friends Daniel and Mark, tries to get back in the dating game.
Being single for the first time in the new technology era can be a weird and scary thing, and we watch Andy go through this on his quest for love (or his quest to break his drought!)
Back In The Game Season 1 Trailer
Episode 1
"Back In The Game"
After a ten year relationship with his high school sweetheart followed by a one year "drought", Andy, with the help is his two best friends Daniel and Mark, tries to get back in the dating game.
Episode 2
"Fifth Wheeling"
Andy becomes the fifth wheel by inviting himself to dinner with his friends and their girlfriends.
Episode 3
"The Setup"
Episode 4
"The Wink"
Andy gets himself into an awkward situation because of a misinterpretation of an emoji.
Episode 5
Daniel explains to Andy the etiquette to texting, while Andy has a something he wants to share with Daniel.
Episode 6
"The Day at the Beach"
Andy becomes the fifth wheel by inviting himself to dinner with his friends and their girlfriends.
Episode 7
"Online Dating 101"
Daniel and Mark are introducing Andy to the world of online dating.
Episode 8
"Sure Thing"
Running out of patience, Mark and Daniel set Andy up with a girl who seems to be a "sure thing".